Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Christmas tree

hello hello
Christmas tree fun

every year a road trip is taken to get a lovely real tree for Christmas. one to nearly reach the ceiling and with enough branches to hold all the decorations. when the tree is home and placed in the Christmas tree place in the living room it's time to decorate it. colourful lights, tinsel and with lots of ornaments collected from past generations and years and years of choosing a new decoration nearly every year, some of my favourites are the little hand made snowmen and robins, I remember them from my childhood, so so nice!  a little father Christmas is stood, each year, underneath the tree, guarding the presents, yasss. and throwing the long bits of tinsel all over the tree once the decorations have been hung up is really fun and makes the tree even more nice, and this tinsel is years old, it is saved for the next Christmas, of course, every year.  I love Christmas trees, yay. 

love Alice

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