Tuesday, 25 September 2012

My dog cory!!!

just a quick post of my dog cory sporting his new collar, which i totally think goes with is fur tone

love alice

Sunday, 23 September 2012


zara stud jumper

studs seem to be everywhere in fashion at the moment and i love them [not just meaning male models], often a studded item can be quite expensive, sooo why not decorate some clothes with some studs yourself, its really easy!!! 

first pick out an item of clothes to stud and then buy some suitably sized studs, they are usually really cheap and available from a haberdashery or online, i got mine from fabricland

there are studs that need to be stuck on and ones which have little spikes which get pushed through the fabric, then the spikes get folded over gripping to the clothes, i find these ones easier as you don't need to get messy with glue or wait for them to dry!!! but it is a good idea to use something like a little spoon to fold the spikes as they can be quite sharp [my spiked thumb agrees]

the studs can be put in any design, i decided to do studded shoulders

i also put some studs around the sleeves, it kind of looks like a bracelet [and i love bracelets, yay]

it's easy

love alice

Friday, 21 September 2012


slippers from accessorize

yay slippers, as the night are getting colder i just bought some more slippers to keep my feetsies warm[though i wear them all year really, but great excuse to buy some more]. i love accessorize slippers they always seem to be so snugly and look great, [and i can usually fit my long feet into them] i find they always have a good variety too.
yay for warm feet!!!

love alice


mulberry at london fashion week

when it comes to mulberry i love their bags and yet again at london fashion week the looked great! kate moss and alexa chung were both front row and both loving a mulberry bag, apparently kate would like one named after her and of course alexa already does, i put in a picture of her backstage, she is such a effortless style icon!!

anyway i love mulberry bags [probably gathered that] but i don't have the bank balance to buy one [oww] but looking through the highstreet there seem to be some mulberry'esk' bags with a much smaller price tag, yay...

         mulberry £3,500                    miss selfridge £39
     mulberry £795                           asos £60

love alice

Monday, 17 September 2012

actually need or just really really would like

without getting too deep i was just thinking about that great feeling when buying [or about to buy, or just seeing] a lovely item of clothing, soo good, but often with a dwindling bank account it can be followed by 'should i have bought that? do i really need it?' the question of whether actually needing to buy that item or just really really liking it can sometimes sadden a shopping trip [going out as if having a money tree can be much more exciting] but thinking about my post about 'to buy or not to but that item of clothes'  and how the last few shopping trips i have been on have still been fun and i didn't buy any clothes i'm thinking the good endorphins the world of fashion seem to give off are so great just being around fashion is fun and exciting
[ok so not sure if this makes much sense to someone else reading it, sorry]

anyway here's some things i really really like, may not be able to buy right now but still love looking at them

from mulberry
love the tan colour mulberry bags eee [would like a mulberry bag tree as well as a money tree]

from wildfox
i love lots of wildfox's jumpers

love alice

Saturday, 15 September 2012

so to buy or not to buy that item of clothes

I spend alot of my time either out shopping or continually looking through the various fashion websites and getting really excited when coming across that item of clothing i had been thinking about [and as i'm buying that item i may as well look to see if there is anything else i like right], the majority of shopping trips i go on i come back with at least one item to add to my clothes mountain, and if not i can feel a bit annoyed, but the last few times i have been out shopping i haven't bought any clothes and kind of feel proud of myself as i have soo many and probably don't need any right now [not including internet shopping though], i really still appreciated looking through the rails and having fun thinking about the clothes rather than just being on a mission to buy something, yay.

faux fur

me wearing a faux fur headband (miss selfridge last year)

so it is autumnish and it is getting darker earlier, although today it seems quite sunny and the weekend is meant to be a bit warmer, i definitely think it is chillier [excuse for snuggling up more] and the shops are full of auntumn fashion. i get a bit excited by the thought of snuggling up on the sofa [watching saturday night tv] with a big bowl of 'ben and jerrys', but when adventuring out, usually to go shopping, and the air is colder it is nice to feel cosy then too and yet again this years a/w fashion offerings seems like they can help. 

fur does not only look great but is really warm too, yay, but myself [i do not eat meat] thinks faux fur does the same job, yay again. the high street seems to have lots of quality faux fur choices [does not always help with my decision making] but means keeping nice and warm is achievable.

here are a few faux fur pieces i like

these could be worn casual with jeans or smarted with a chiffon blouse

from topshop and river island 
snugly pieces

from accessorize 
just posting this statement necklace because the hedgehog reminds me of crunching through leaves in autumn

love alice