Friday, 18 January 2013

t-shirts!!! and House of Holland

 I love a white t-shirt, it is probably my signature item of clothing, if I'm not wearing one on its own then there is probably one lurking underneath a jumper or coat!!! I find them such a staple, I have a few [a few too many to mention in this post, ha ha]
but really I love lots of t-shirts, wether they are white or not. a great slogan tee, patterened tee, picture tee and I love boyfriend style t-shirts.

in my inbox today, amongst the heeps of clothes store emails, I came across this beauty by none other than the House of Holland. I love the picture, they are describes as pom poms but they remind me of koosh kins I used to love them I was younger, actually I still do, does anyone else remember them? for more info click the picture below!!!

anyway back to the t-shirt, with further investigation I found this campaign on the House of Holland website, click here to see the film, it seems the pom poms have made quite an impact on some of their designs!!!
here are a few items from their pom pom range

anyway as this post is about t-shirts, and as I've been browsing the House of Holland website I thought it would be rude not to share some of my favorite t-shirts of theirs

ahh the humble t-shirt

love Alice

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